Store is closed! <3 Thank you everyone for the lovely wishes and congratulations! We're having a baby, so the store is closed until further notice. For more infos, please check my instagram.
Magischer Markt - Magical Market
Hello Lovelies!
(english below)
Hallo ihr Lieben!
Es ist wieder Zeit für den Magischen Markt! Auf wundersame Weise tauchen in Wien am 09. und 10.April wieder zauberhafte KünstlerInnen* auf und bieten ihre Waren an. Von Kunstdrucken, Stickern und anderen Papierwaren, über Schmuck, Accessoires, Kostümwaren und Wanddekor haben wir fantastische Geschenkideen für euch, egal ob ihr euch selbst (mal im Ernst, ihr habt es doch verdient ;) ), oder eure Lieben beschenken wollt.
Doodle Alley and a little experiment
Hello Lovelies!
It's been a while since the last blog-post and this pandemic is somehow still with us *sigh*. But we won't give up!
Vienna Comic Con got canceled again, thus we proudly present "Doodle Alley Online 2021"! To get a glimpse, follow @doodlegroup.vienna on Instagram and take a look at our Website.
Looking back on 2020 and making new plans
Hello lovelies!
I hope you're all staying safe and taking good care of yourselves and your loved ones. It has been a while since my last post and I have l learnt a lot about owning a small business. 2020 has been a ride, I think we can all agree. Now that a new year is upon us, I'd like to reflect on the achievements of 2020 (focusing on the positive <3 ) and make plans for 2021.
Summer of Love
Hello lovelies!
Yesterday I announced on social media, that my shop will launch on friday at 10pm (UTC+2)! =^.^=
That means my "Summer of Love"-Collection will be ready by then. It consists of 5 pendulum necklaces (one is already sold though, because a dear friend took a look at it and fell in love :P) and 2 dice so far. I plan on adding another die or two, but I can not promise that they will be ready, the reason being, that I hurt my foot and do not know what is wrong yet and what will need to be done to recover from it.
Progress Update
Hello lovely people!
I am here to udate you on the preparations for launch. Waiting is almost over, since I now got my seller's permit and most of what I need for packaging.
Yesterday I went out with a dear friend to Vienna's Central Cemetery, where there is a lovely park of peacefulness. We burned some incense and relaxed and also took the opportunity to take some pictures of the pendulum necklaces that are ready for the launch collection
Preparing for Launch
On to new Adventures!
<--- @redandhowling on giphy
Hello lovely people!
My name is Isabella, though some may know me by "Nimue the Fairy Bard" and I welcome you to my brand new webshop. On this blog I will update you on the progress on launching the shop and on the different collections I'm planning in the future.
What am I even going to sell?