
Store is closed! <3 Thank you everyone for the lovely wishes and congratulations! We're having a baby, so the store is closed until further notice. For more infos, please check my instagram.

The Shop

As the name suggests, designs are based around themes of witchcraft and witchy aesthetics, but also include nature inspired jewellery, as well as game and geek culture inspired creations. Things you might find in this webshop include mixed media jewellery, tools for witchcraft, custom dice and other decorative items. Witchy Turtle Creations is a one-woman business, based in Vienna.

  Magischer Markt

  Twice a year, you can find a whimsical art market, appearing somewhere in Vienna. If you dare to enter, you will be entranced by the
  magical art and crafts made by the local artist community. Conjuring up events for the community is a project of the heart for me.
  You can find us on instagram @magischermarkt and there is a website, if you are interested in signing up as an artist.

 The Owner

 Hello everyone, I am Isabella and I make all the witchy turtle creations you can find on this site. I have always had a passion for everything creative. Art and music have accompanied me all my life,  starting with my parents taking me to a lot of museums and heritage sites when I was a kid and leading to a B.A. in Art History. I am also a classical singer, specialising in old music, like baroque and prior. Since I started playing the harp, I found my inspiration to write my own music and started a Youtube Channel under my artists name "Nimue the Fairy Bard". Jewellery design fascinates me, because it requires many different skills from the idea to the finished product. In my "free time" I am  attending art and renaissance faires and playing board and video games.

One of the reasons, I wanted to open this shop - besides my love for creating things - is that I suffer from chronic illness, which leads to me relying on mobility aids sometimes and makes it hard to work outside with regulated work hours. None the less I am trying to learn and improve as much as I can in all my skills to offer you the best products and service I possibly can and apologize for any delays that may be caused due to my condition.

You can find me on Instagram @nimuethefairybard and the shop @witchyturtlecreations and on YouTube.

     The Namethe birth of the "witchy turtle"

     The story behind the name is sweet and simple. A lovely friend and I were out and about, watching the blood moon and tried out  Instagram features, because we were new to it and we figured out that you can combine icons in the stories mode. That is how the turtle wearing a witch's hat was born.

Why the turtle? Because I have a very special walking stick, with a turtle-shaped handle and it is a spirit guide for me. <3




"Witchy Turtle Creations"
Isabella Cwertetschka-Mattasits e.U.,
Meidlinger Hauptstraße 74/10
1120 Wien/Vienna