"Golden Truth" Elder Futhark rune set
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"Golden Truth" Elder Futhark rune set
A custom rune set contains the 24 runes of the elder futhark, written inside resin cabochons , which can be filled with dried herbs and flowers, as well as flakes of crafting leaf metal and dyed in various colours. The runestones can be packed up nicely by bundling them up inside the included runecasting cloth. The cloth is either brown, blue or black wool, handpainted in gold to signify the different areas, when casting the runes. Its edges are machine stitched, so no fabric can come off, and there is a band sewn onto it, to bind it together into a little bag to keep the runes safe. In the center an Icelandic vegvisir is painted.
Runes can be used in a variety of ways from meditating on a single rune to casting them onto a surface like a runecloth and reading their meanings according to their position. The design of every runestone in the set is deeply thought through, from choosing and placing the plant material according to the meaning of the rune, to carefully writing them on the inside(!) of the cabochon, curing them and finally shaping, sanding and polishing. They slightly differ in shape and size, giving them a bit more of a natural feeling.
The plants used for the set shown(except the last picture, which was a commission) include nettle, mouse barley, roses, yarrow, basil, lavender, dandelion and chives. All plants are hand plucked and dried from our garden.
If you have any questions or have specific ideas for your customised runeset, message me via the contact form or on Instagram @witchyturtlecreations.