"Little April Shower" - Amulet
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"Little April Shower" - Amulet
The "Little April Shower" amulet is handmade from resin and contains a dried handpicked daisy as well as a few rosemary blossoms. Daisies, often used for "they-love-me-they-love-me-not"-games, have been known for their healing properties since the middle ages. A very hardy flower, blooming most of the year, they teach us resilience through hardships. Rosemary is seen as a symbol of harmony and good communication. Like the daisy, rosemary is a tough plant, surviving through winter to bloom again in spring. Its pale purple blossoms are popular with the bees. On the lower end of the amulet a teardrop shaped fluorite has been added, symbolising the cleansing rain providing a focused mind, amidst the worry.